【Introduction of the project】
National Road No.5 Cambodia is important road (Asian highway No.1) which connects from capital Phnom Penh to Poipet, Thai border).
Since 2017, under JICA financial support, rehabilitation of 366 km national road No.5 has been started for widening from 2 lanes to 4 lanes), separated into 9 packages.
We, Obayashi corporation, engaged in rehabilitation of 47 km between Pursat and Pray Svay for Middle section from 2019 to 2022.
During a construction period, we continuously have made efforts for the maintenance of the detour road 47 km of national road, and ensured third party safety and the environmental measures to local people. Then, we could complete 47 km widening 4 traffic lanes of the national highway.
Thorough the project, we continued internally OJT to Cambodian people (engineers, heavy machine operator, worker et al.) tenaciously every day. As a result, we were able to make high quality road with by Cambodian people hand.
Although we faced various crisis of project such as flood damages 2020 and COVID-19, we kept necessary resources (labor, machineries) to catch up schedule delay. Finally, we reached the goal of a long distance 47 km and opened one month before the end for term of project, and contribute to improvement of the Cambodian distribution function with shortening at movement time.